Crownet Pets Blog

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Is Your Dog Allergic to Something in its Home?

Dogs have always been regarded as man's best friend. Sadly, these creatures are also susceptible to allergies some say are very similar to what humans may experience.

Vets have placed dog allergies into 5 categories. These are namely atopy, bacteria, contact, flea, and food.

Atopy is another word for inhalant allergy. A dog may excessively chew stuff and scratch or lick different parts of the body to relieve the itch. This usually comes from dust, feathers, pollen, molds and human dander. This means the house should be kept clean not only for the humans but also for the dogs as well. You can be sure that this is the problem by looking for visible signs that are usually in a reddish brown color over the affected area. A vet can perform a more thorough exam using what is known as Intradermal Skin Testing. Treatment for this allergy is simply. You can give the dog a bath using some medicated shampoo, a diet that is high in Omega 3 or 6 fatty acids or give it an allergy shot to make it go away.

Next is bacteria allergies. Again this is nothing serious and owners will know something is wrong when the dog's hair begins to shed. The only way to treat this problem is by letting the doctor give the dog some antibiotics.

Dogs that are sensitive to certain things may have what is known as a contact allergy. This could be from the collar attached to the neck to food and water bowls. There are other examples and the only you will know what is causing is by observing the pet. Once this is found, this should be removed and things will go back to normal.

Fleas are considered to be the number one enemy of dogs. This is because not being able to pluck it could make the pet lose blood and die. This is why dogs should be bathed at least once a week and treated with a flea preventative medication. But dogs that experience flea allergies do not get it from it biting on the skin. This comes from the saliva, which causes the pet to itch and lose hair. Just the same, using some accessories and proper hygiene can take care of it.

The last is called a food allergy. Believe it or not, some dogs are sensitive to certain foods just like humans. Some examples of this could be fish, chicken, milk and pork. This isn't that hard to notice because the pet may sneeze often, have discharges in the eyes or nose, experience hair loss, diarrhea, coughing and even breathing problems. The best thing to do of course is to find out what causes it and make sure these are no longer fed to the dog. The pet will have to follow a strict diet so such incidents will never happen again.

Dogs are sensitive animals and the only way to make sure it is doing fine is by checking on it regularly. Should there be a hint of trouble, the best thing to do is bring this to the vet for his advice.
You should not leave the situation to chance thinking it is just the weather and things will be okay. No one will be able to tell if this is an allergy or a virus, which means this can only be confirmed with the help of a veterinarian.

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